The Subdivision Regulations of the City of Baldwin City, Kansas, April, 2010 Edition, prepared by the Baldwin City Planning Commission is, by reference, incorporated in and by this publication made part of this chapter and article as fully as though set out at length herein and is adopted as the Subdivision Regulations for the City of Baldwin City, Kansas. Said regulations have subsequently been amended by Ordinance No. 1394.
(Ord. 1249, Sec. 2; Code 2011; Ord. 1394)
No fewer than three (3) copies of the Subdivision Regulations marked “Official Copy as Incorporated by Ordinance No. 1249 of the City of Baldwin City” and to which shall be attached a published copy of this ordinance, shall be filed with the City Clerk to be open for inspection and available to the public at all reasonable business hours.
(Ord. 1249, Sec. 3; Code 2011)